Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Nutrient Content of Red Beans
Kidney beans actually has the ability to cope with various diseases, among them capable of reducing blood vessel damage, can lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar concentration, and decreased risk of colon cancer and breast cancer.
nutrient content in the beans are very good for the health of the human body. Dry beans are a source of vegetable protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin B, folasin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Folasin are essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of damage to blood vessels.
Red beans contain fat and sodium is very low, almost free of saturated fat, and free kolersterol. In addition, beans are also a good source of fiber. In 100 grams of dried beans, can produce 4 grams of fiber which consists of water-soluble fiber and insoluble fiber water. Water-soluble fiber can significantly lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
To get the perfect efficacy of red beans, there are some things to do in the process. After soaking, discard the soaking water red beans. Then boil lentils in a saucepan, covered, for 3 minutes, and let stand for 2 hours so the juices settle. Change the soaking water was boiled with water, and let stand overnight. The next day, red beans ready to be cooked into a delicious meal. This needs to be done to eliminate the ability of red beans to produce gas in the gut that would make the stomach feel bloated.
Teh Minuman Kesehatan
Teh merupakan tanaman daerah tropis
dan subtropis yang secara ilmiah dikenal dengan Camellia Sinensis. Dari kurang
lebih 3000 jenis teh hasil perkawinan silang, didapatkan 3 macam teh hasil
proses, yaitu teh hijau, teh oolong, dan teh hitam. Cara pengolahan teh yaitu
dengan merajang daun teh dan dijemur di bawah sinar matahari sehingga mengalami
perubahan kimiawi sebelum dikeringkan. Perlakuan tersebut akan menyebabkan
warna daun menjadi coklat dan memberi cita rasa teh hitam yang khas.
Teh hijau, jenis teh tertua, amat
disukai terutama oleh masyarakat Jepang dan Cina. Di sini daun teh mengalami
sedikit proses pengolahan, hanya pemanasan dan pengeringan sehingga warna hijau
daun dapat dipertahankan. Sedangkan teh oolong lebih merupakan jenis peralihan
antara teh hitam dan teh hijau. Ketiga jenis teh masing-masing memiliki khasiat
kesehatan karena mengandung ikatan biokimia yang disebut polyfenol, termasuk di
dalamnya flavonoid. Flavonoid merupakan suatu kelompok antioksidan yang secara
alamiah ada di dalam sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, dan minuman seperti teh dan
Subklas polifenol meliputi
flavonol, flavon, flavanon, antosianidin, katekin, dan biflavan. Turunan dari
katekin seperti epi-cathecin (EC), epigallo-cathecin (EGC), epigallo-cathecin
gallate (EGCg), dan quercetin umumnya ditemukan di dalam teh. EGCg dan
quercetin merupakan anti oksidan kuat dengan kekuatan hingga 4-5 kali lebih
tinggi dibandingkan vitamin E dan C yang juga merupakan antioksidan potensial.
Antioksidan diketahui mampu menghindarkan sel dari kerusakan mengingat setiap
kerusakan sel akan menyumbang lebih dari 50 penyakit.
Teh hijau mengandung EGCg, demikian
juga teh hitam, demikian dikatakan seorang ahli biokimia. Dalam sebuah studi
yang dilakukan peneliti Belanda menyebutkan, mengkonsumsi 4-5 cangkir teh hitam
setiap hari akan menurunkan resiko stroke hingga 70% dibanding dengan mereka
yang mengkonsumsi teh 2 cangkir sehari atau kurang. Laporan lainnya menyebutkan
lebih banyak mengkonsumsi teh hitam berhubungan dengan rendahnya kasus serangan
jantung. John Folts, Direktur Sekolah Medis, Pusat Penelitian dan Pencegahan
Arteri Trombosis, Universitas Wisconsin, AS menemukan kunci khasiat dalam teh
yaitu flavonoid. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan, flavonoid dalam teh hitam
mampu menghambat penggumpalan sel-sel platelet darah sehingga mencegah
penyumbatan pembuluh darah pada penyakit hantung koroner dan stroke. Studi lain
menyebutkan bahwa peminum teh fanatik memiliki kadar kolesterol dan tekanan
darah yang rendah, meskipun masih belum jelas apakah semuanya itu langsung
disebabkan karena teh.
Para peneliti di Universitas Case
Western Reserve, Cleveland, AS menemukan pengaruh penggunaan teh hijau pada
kulit hingga 90 %. Ternyata teh sangat efektif melindungi kulit dari sinar
matahari yang dapat mengakibatkan kanker kulit. Teh juga diketahui mengandung
fluoride yang dapat menguatkan email gigi dan membantu mencegah kerusakan gigi.
Dalam suatu studi laboratorium di Jepang, para ahli menemukan bahwa teh
membantu mencegah pembentukan plak gigi dan membunuh bakteri mulut penyebab
pembengkakan gusi.
Penelitian di Jepang menunjukkan,
daerah penghasil teh yang pendudukanya terkenal sebagai peminum teh fanatik,
sangat rendah angka kematiannya yang disebabkan oleh kanker. Hasil studi
lainnya, dilakukan kerjasama antara tim peneliti Oguni dan pusat penelitian
kanker di Beijing untuk mempelajari pengaruh ekstrak teh hijau pada tikus yang
telah diberi ransum makanan karsinogenik (zat pemicu kanker). Dilaporkan, angka
rata-rata kanker pada tikus yang memperoleh ekstrak teh hijau setengah dari
tikus yang tidak memperoleh ekstrak teh hijau.
Para peneliti yakin bahwa polifenol
yang dikenal sebagai cathecin yang terdapat pada teh hijau, membantu tubuh
manusia melawan sel kanker. Studi lainnya dilakukan oleh Oguni dan Dr. Masami
Yamada dari Hamamatsu Medical Center menemukan cathecin membunuh Helicobator
pylori, bakteri pemicu kanker lambung.
Taylor Swift
Taylor Alison Swift (born December
13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter and occasional actress. Raised in
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, Swift moved to Nashville, Tennessee at the age of
fourteen to pursue a career in country music. She signed to the independent
label Big Machine Records and became the youngest songwriter ever hired by the
Sony/ATV Music publishing house. The release of Swift's eponymous debut album
in 2006 established her as a country music star. "Our Song", her
third single, made her the youngest sole writer and singer of a number one song
on the country chart. She received a Best New Artist nomination at the 50th
Grammy Awards.
Swift's second album, Fearless, was
released in late 2008. Buoyed by the chart success of the singles "Love
Story" and "You Belong with Me", Fearless attracted a crossover
audience and became the top-selling album of 2009. The record won four Grammy
Awards, with Swift becoming the youngest ever Album of the Year winner.
Fearless also received Album of the Year plaudits at the American Music Awards,
Academy of Country Music Awards and Country Music Association Awards, making it
the most awarded album in country music history. In 2010, Swift released her
third album, Speak Now, which sold over one million copies in its first week.
She then embarked on the 111-date Speak Now World Tour, which was attended by
over 1.6 million fans and has become one of the highest-grossing concert tours
of all time. The album's third single, "Mean", won two Grammy Awards
for Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance. Swift is currently
recording her fourth studio album, due for release in the fall of 2012.
Swift's work has earned her
numerous accolades, including six Grammy Awards, ten AMAs, seven CMAs, six ACMs
and 13 BMI Awards. She has sold over 22 million albums and 50 million song
downloads worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all
time. Swift has endorsement deals with Target, CoverGirl, Sony, Elizabeth
Arden, Walmart and American Greetings. As a philanthropist, Swift has placed
particular emphasis on arts education, children's literacy and natural disaster
relief funds. In addition to her music career, Swift has appeared as an actress
in the crime drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2009), the romantic comedy
Valentine's Day (2010) and the animated film The Lorax (2012).
Kue Dadar Durian dengan Es Krim
Bahan I :
4 btr telur
100 gr tepung terigu
50 gr daging durian
3 sdm gula pasir
1/2 sdt garam
300 ml susu cair
1 sdm mentega, cairkan
2 tetes pewarna kuning
Bahan II :
100 gr whipped cream
1 scoop es krim vanilla
stroberi secukupnya
Minyak untuk mengoles
Cara Membuat :
Masukkan semua bahan I ke dalam fruit filter, blender sampai
tercampur rata.
Teteskan pewarna kuning, blender sampai menjadi adonan.
Ambil pan, panaskan, olesi dengan sedikit minyak, beri adonan
secukupnya, bulatkan hingga adonan menjadi dadaran, dadar sampai matang dan
kering, lakukan hingga selesai.
Beri whipped cream di atas dadaran, gulung. Sajikan beserta
es krim dan whipped cream. Hias dengan stroberi, sajikan.
Noun Clause
1. (Should we wait for him ?) I wonder if we should wait for
2.(Did She borrow your dictionary ?) I want to know whether
she borrowed your dictionary or not.
3.(Does she need any help ?) I wonder if she need any help.
4.(Is he having trouble ?) The fact that she’s having
trouble is not surprising me.
5.(Does it belong to Jake ?) I want to know whether it
belongs to Jake or not.
6.(Is there life on other planets ?) I want to know if
there’s a life on other planets.
7.(Will people live on the moon someday ?) I wonder if
people will live on the moon someday.
8.(Is this information correct ?) Could you tell me if this
information is correct or not ?
9.That dictionary is good. I wonder if that dictionary is
good or not.
10.Those glasses are expenssive. I want to know if those
glasses are expenssive
edison invite a lamp which conducted electricity, gas had been the chief means
of lighting home and streets.
I saw an old friend of mine when I was entering the building.
his car was much too small, he decided to sell it.
He won’t pass the examination unless he study harder.
he went, he was warmly received.
That executive actc because he owns the company.
I get the money on time, I can go on my vacation.
she spend a lot of money on clothes, they never seem to suit her.
I have a lot of extra work to do while my assistant is on
they moved into an expensive apartment, they have become very snobbish.
someone broke into her house and stole her jewelry, she was next door chatting
with her neighbour.
It’s while
warm today when I’m going to
the beach.
my uncle has worked hard all his life, he could never save up enough money to
go on a long vacation.
We will go to the theatre with you tonight if we can get a baby-sitter.
Don’t give this package to him before he sign a receipt for it.
We’re since
pleased with these new towels so that
we’re going to buy some more.
hitler believed that Germans were the master race, he set out to conquer all of
I was in south America last year, I learned to speak Spanish.
He looks so
that he hasn’t ever changed his clothes.
Repairs will be made while they are necessary
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